Alliance RetinaIt's Simple-All Patients, All Problems, All the Time

What is different about Alliance Retina, the retina subspecialty practice of Dr. Greg Rosenthal?

For 30 years, we have believed that retinal surgery is not a business, it is a calling. Dr. Rosenthal became a retinal specialist in the first place to avenge the ravages of diabetes. For 30 years now, Dr. Rosenthal has accepted all patients and all problems without hesitation and without regard for ability to pay. At Alliance Retina, we are devoted to patients’ rights and community needs, serving on local committees, leadership roles, patient support for the most vulnerable, and even working with the US Senate and national groups to protect patient interests.

We have worked in various practices over the years, but in 2013 we formed an entirely new, individual practice specifically to ensure the level of attention and support that our patients and our professional colleagues deserve. As always with Dr. Rosenthal’s practice, Alliance Retina patients and referring doctors get immediate help anytime, anywhere.

What’s different?


In addition to macular degeneration, retinal detachment, and other “mainstream” services, Dr. Rosenthal provides care for the most extensive diabetic problems and trauma and post-operative reconstructions not available elsewhere.

Because patients with more severe issues, especially related to diabetes, tend to have worse insurance, it is sometimes harder for them to receive care. Since we make no distinction, it doesn’t matter, and so we do more “complex” cases than the average US retinal surgeon. Each year, Dr. Rosenthal performs over 400 surgeries here and abroad, including over 150 highly complex cases, compared to benchmark averages of 50 to 100 total and 5 or 10 complex cases for an average US practice.

We founded one of the world’s first third world retinal programs, providing a substantial percentage of the retinal surgery in the Dominican Republic, all at no cost. This has not only helped the Dominican poor, it has allowed us to refine techniques and dramatically improve surgery and reduce healing times for patients everywhere.


If you need help, you get Dr. Rosenthal 24x7, all year long. Not an on-call doctor, not an answering machine, not even an answering service. You get Dr. Rosenthal directly in the office at 419-873-6800 or on his personal cell phone at 419-356-4224. These numbers are provided to every patient we see and every doctor we support. If Dr. Rosenthal is out of town, we do share call with other excellent retina doctors available through the St. Vincent's operator at 419-251-3232.

  • Dr. Rosenthal performs all care, ensuring the most experienced and most secure and continuous care. There are no handoffs, and no “care by committee”.
  • The only cases we refer out are certain tumor cases, for which we work very closely with Cleveland Clinic, Shields Oncology Center in Philadelphia, and other centers.
  • We accept all insurances and make no distinction between insured and uninsured patients. We offer complete support to CareNet, Prevent Blindness Ohio, self-pay patients, and selected third world endeavors.
  • We do not compromise patient rights or interests by accepting compensation or guidance from industry sources. This is a common practice in this age of the “medical-industrial complex”. We work for patients and patients only.


Any internet search will confirm that Dr. Rosenthal has a long history as a patient rights activist. He has worked with the US Senate Special Committee on Aging to fight for truth and transparency in physicians’ interactions with industry and in care of patients. These efforts have been highlighted on numerous occasions in the New York Times, LA Times, Washington Post, and other outlets.

Locally, Dr. Rosenthal has devoted his time to various advocacy and leadership roles throughout Northwest Ohio. He has served numerous Diabetes organizations, and for years was the Ophthalmology Division Head for Toledo Hospital, and Toledo Children’s Hospital. He is Ophthalmology Division Head at University of Toledo Medical Center. He has also served with the Ohio Ophthalmology Society, CareNet, Prevent Blindness Ohio, and The Sight Center of Northwest Ohio.


For years, Dr. Rosenthal has been a leader in retina surgery and the eye care community. Some years ago, he co-founded The Vision Alliance, a consortium of some of the highest quality and most patient-centered eye surgeons in the region. The name “Alliance Retina” is a nod to our shared tradition for excellence and ethical care. Alliance Retina promotes that by offering full retinal services to our Alliance partners: Associated Eye Care, Maumee Eye Clinic, Perrysburg Eye Center, and AEC Bowling Green. In addition, we provide service for other excellent providers including area primary eye care practices and we collaborate and cross cover with our colleagues at Retina Vitreous Associates.


Is Alliance Retina just another competitor among other retina practices?
Not really. Of course there are other choices for retina care, and in that sense we “compete” to provide that care, but we all also work together. We cover each other’s call, and although Dr. Rosenthal prefers to take all of his own calls and give his cell phone (419-356-4224) to everyone, he does “sign out” to the call rotation on the infrequent occasions he is out of town. Dr. Rosenthal also accepts referrals from other retina groups when requested.

What's all this talk about “free care”?
Of course we appreciate referrals where the insurance status is simple, but we do not and never have excluded patients with no means at all. We work within the regulatory requirements to see that everyone gets the care they need, we NEVER turn patients away or dismiss them for monetary (or any other) reasons. We do appreciate it if self pay patients can do something. Dr. Rosenthal runs the Jairus Foundation ( who’s mission is to give people a second chance. On occasion, patients have donated to this foundation when they are able.
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